Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sports and Dance Stereotypes Laid to Rest in FatLand

More dance activity is now occurring in FatLand - not just belly dancing, but jazz dancing, ballet, rock. It took a while for FatLand to stop buying into stereotypes of fat dancers - that they were not graceful, that they didn't look "right" while dancing.

FatLand ran an entire campaign to undo these stereotypes, and not just about dancing, but about running, gymnastics, and all sports which were supposedly the domain of slimmer people. The campaign was called "If you do it well, it looks right!" They had really excellent fat dancers and fat sportspeople showing their moves in many kinds of dance and sports. They also showed fat athletes training for various events, including a marathon, an ice dancing competition and a beach volleyball tournament.

This campaign hit home and helped dispel the stereotypes so well that people of various weights on the Other Side/USA were encouraged by it (now that there is no net blackout on either side) and started to take part in all kinds of sports and activities that they didn't think they could participate in previously.

And a word about fat people in different sports activities.

We have been brainwashed with these stereotypes for so long that many of us actually believe/d that we can't/couldn't do them.  Ironically anotherv one is swimming, a sport in which fat people might actually have certain advantages (broad chest and shoulders, muscles, good buoyancy), but  which many of us were told to rule out because we didn't fit the swimsuit image that advertisers sought.

 The answer by FatLand swimmers is now, "We can indeed swim well. We are quite competitive. Why don't you change your advertising?"

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Burlesque Tourism in FatLand

A rather embarrassing kind of tourism started to occur when FatLand and the Other Side/USA resumed relations. Male tourists from the Other Side started to cross over to go to fat prostitutes/courtesans. The wealthier ones made prior arrangements with courtesans. The less wealthy went to FatLand brothels. Two burlesque groups formed:  The Radiant Hot Springs and The Pussy Willows.

In response, a group of women from the Other Side/USA formed a group called "LOFM" - Lovers of Fat Men. Their first get-togethers with fat men occurred at dances and parties. Then, however, a burlesque group of fat men formed. It was called The CouchMen. The men in the group not only performed strip teases and dances, but gave lap dances, as well, to groups of assorted sizes. They became extremely popular in both FatLand and the Other Side/USA.

Gay men and gay women formed their own fat burlesque groups, as well. Gay men created a group entitled "Teddies." Gay women opted for "Hot Twats and More."

When FatLand's new Senate and House were apprised of these developments, a long debate ensued as to whether these groups should be applauded, regulated or banned.

They are still arguing :)

Friday, April 25, 2014

A conversation

This is the kind of conversation that people might have had on The Other Side/USA when people were finally starting to realize that it was not a curse or a terrible thing to be fat. This was, of course, before an agglomeration of corporate interests - Diet Corporations, Pharmaceutical Corporations, Gym/Health Center Corporations, Health Insurance Corporations, Wellness Corporations- succeeded in getting the Pro-Diet and Health Laws passed and in making the lives of fat people a living hell in the USA, right before FatLand began.

Deconstructiing:  I do not necessarily think a "healthy body is what is important." But at least Bernadine realizes that not all bodies are meant to have the same weight or build, and that people can be healthy at any size. My own priority is not always health-based, but if I had to define the way I feel about health, I would define it as follows:  Eat what you love. Do what you love. See whom you love.

It hurt me that Kathleen felt so guilty about eating what she loved. I wanted to hug her and tell her that it was all right, that it was fine to eat what she wished. I tried to do the equivalent with my words later on. But there are so many people like Kathleen who have been chided ever since they were young for being fat and supposedly eating more than we should (whether we actually do or not). I was of course one of them.

3 hrs · 
and SUGAR! should be Number 1
Are we encouraging obesity?

Are we encouraging obesity?
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Frannie Zellman Sorry, but this whole thing smacks of picking on fat kids. Guess what? I was a fat kid. I went on numerous diets. I lost weight, then gained it all back, as occurs with 95 percent of the people who go on diets. And gained back more than I lost. I was and am a fat adult. Yes, fat. I use it as a descriptor, not a negative word. Finally, with Health At Any/Every Size, I learned that the best way for me to live with whatever size my body was was to eat a variety of foods and find a way to move my body every day. I would say that instead of making kids feel horrible about themselves (no way has been shown to make fat kids or people permanently thin), give them access to and options to eat many many different kinds of food and give them safe access to moving their bodies. And this would be for *all* kids, not just fat ones, not just thin ones. If they have this access, their weight will fall where it will, whatever that is.
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Ben Schmid Sr. absolutely
55 mins · Like · 1
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Bernadine Pitra Sutliff A healthy body is what's important.
45 mins · Unlike · 1
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Kathleen Patricia Kinkel I had that problem too Frannie....I lost and gained my entire life....My daughter and i would sis down in a store and cry because she could not wear regular kids clothes, so when we should go to the "other" section, these clothes never fit either....i have heave in my family, and all we can do is work on it,,,,I suppose my message tonight may have offended people, and forth I am sorry....We are not the perfect weight here either and always fighting it, so these articles catch my attention...I could become a chocoholic in a day and keep up. to me all about choices...some days i do good and some days I do terrible....Sorry if I offended anyone,
42 mins · Unlike · 1
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Frannie Zellman I guess it is more that the message can so easily be switched to a positive one. I think Bernadine said it best: A healthy body is what's important. I would simply add, "Whether it is a fat one, a thin one, or anything in between." This way we include everyone and give them options, especially kids.
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Kathleen Patricia Kinkel Bernie is my childhood friend ,,,she has been born lucky....never a fat spot on her body EVER! that is who I want to be....
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Frannie Zellman Oh, Kathleen, you are already beautiful. Why think of being someone else??
38 mins · Like · 1
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Bernadine Pitra Sutliff You did not offend me, Kitty! I just believe that the Hollywood false image of skinny women, and magazines with models practically anorexic, are causing many young girls and women to create unhealthy bodies.
37 mins · Unlike · 2
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Bernadine Pitra Sutliff Kitty, you are a mess and I really miss all the good times we had!
36 mins · Like · 1
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Kathleen Patricia Kinkel No I ook at pictures on good diet week and they are OK. then the next week when I am stuffing myself with (chocolate) I see on the oicture it goes dirctly to my fat face..
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Kathleen Patricia Kinkel HAAAAA HAAA Bernie I love you too....we did have some great times...
36 mins · Like · 1
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Frannie Zellman Kathleen, there are beautiful people who are fat, who are thin, and who are somewhere in the middle. Beauty is not a size. It is what emanates from someone.
35 mins · Like · 2
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Bernadine Pitra Sutliff I really wish I had a Nightmare from A&W right now!!!
35 mins · Like · 1
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Kathleen Patricia Kinkel I would have to eat 2 of them 800 calories a piect....well lets not forget the French Fries....let's throw in a malt.
34 mins · Like · 1
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Bernadine Pitra Sutliff Wish I still had my T-bird, too!
34 mins · Like · 1
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Bernadine Pitra Sutliff Chocolate malt!
34 mins · Like · 1
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Kathleen Patricia Kinkel Red with white seatss.....OMG It would be worth a fortune....I loved that car
33 mins · Like · 1
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Bernadine Pitra Sutliff Kids nowadays don't know what a malt is! Can you imagine?
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Bernadine Pitra Sutliff Miss that car. I'm a soccer, dance, softball, T-ball, Grandma now and have a Murano!
31 mins · Like · 1
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Kathleen Patricia Kinkel a shake.....I have to admit today I went to Steak and shake and indulged myself to a fried bread double hamburger, with fried onion rings on top and it had jalopenos on it and cheese, then a side order of french fries then a choc. shake...came home and ate four pieces of wrapped Russell Stover chocolate.......You should see my face. the fat goes to my face, not my boobs. tom is on a golf trip and I was nervously calming myself with food!
30 mins · Edited · Like
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Kathleen Patricia Kinkel I said to the waitress, I wanted a malt, and she said, what? you mean a shake...True story
27 mins · Like · 1
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Bernadine Pitra Sutliff Lucky you! We don't have Steak and Shake in Arkansas. Sonic and the other small fast-foods are all we have here. When I get back to Illinois, I am going to Steak and Shake and pig out!
27 mins · Like · 1
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Bernadine Pitra Sutliff I believe it! Nobody from this generation knows what a wonderful genuine chocolate malt tastes like! I miss those, too!
26 mins · Like · 1
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Kathleen Patricia Kinkel I do not eat a fast food restr. except for steak and shakes....I did bring 1/2 of my hamburger home....and 2 french fries!
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Bernadine Pitra Sutliff Fat never went to my boobs, just my ass! LOL
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Kathleen Patricia Kinkel When you come to Illinois call me and i will pig out at Steak and Shake with you....We are leaving to go visit Karin in less than two weeks....First going to W. Palm Beach...
24 mins · Like · 1
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Bernadine Pitra Sutliff We can also call Sharon, and we can all go and pig out! Tell Karin "Hi" from me, and I hope you have a wonderful time together!
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Kathleen Patricia Kinkel Frannie Zellman and Bernadine Pitra SutliffThe skinny girls look awful...Like skelatons walking around...what do they eat ......?
22 mins · Like · 1
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Kathleen Patricia Kinkel We really need to get together with Sharon....soon.....Let's do ot this summer.
22 mins · Like · 1
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Bernadine Pitra Sutliff They don't eat! That's why they always have frowns on their faces.....they are miserable!
21 mins · Like · 1
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Kathleen Patricia Kinkel Frannie and Bernadine....see the above pic....I will take the two on the left...The coke and the hamburger...they can stuff that little "nothing".
20 mins · Like · 1
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Kathleen Patricia Kinkel My next posts are going to be what we ate for thanksgiving dinner!!!!! No mre bullshit.
18 mins · Like · 1
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Bernadine Pitra Sutliff I love cheeseburgers, french fries, and hamburger. Make my granddaughters eat the apples! Ha, Ha!
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Bernadine Pitra Sutliff Kitty, do you remember Prices Drive In? That was my first fast-food.
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Frannie Zellman Katherine, I am looking forward to your Thanksgiving dinner posts. Will look at them, lick my lips and nod in appreciation. (In other words, I will shut up  )
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Kathleen Patricia Kinkel Frannie, you were right...I am going to NOT post these anymore....I have others that this could have offended....I am ashamed for posting it.....thanks for your reminder.....xoxo
4 mins · Like
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Kathleen Patricia Kinkel I really was wrong Frannie!
3 mins · Like
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Frannie Zellman Dear Kathleen, whatever you choose to post, I hope you will know that you are beautiful, and I am happy that you are on FB.
3 mins · Like · 1
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Kathleen Patricia Kinkel And you...we have been friends for a long time Frannie and i m excited about that xoxo
1 min · Unlike · 1
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Frannie Zellman We have, indeed! 
1 min · Like · 1
·         Frannie Zellman
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