Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's in FatLand

The first official New Year's Celebration in FatLand was held on Deceer 31, 2014-January 1, 2015.

 A skating rink was created. Padded skates, kneepads and shoulder padding, as well as padded vests, were given out for those who simply wanted to walk around the rink instead of skating. There were lights overhead and a couple of bands, as well as an emcee. Emcees, actually. Angela was one of them.

Free hot cider was supplied.

When New Year's came, people sang Old Lang Syne. Then they sang the FatLand National Anthem (which is in the appendix of FatLand: The Early Days).

People were encouraged to walk around and go back to their places with other people, and with friends, if possible. The FatLand Board knew that many people in FatLand lacked family and many lacked friends still.  Counselors were instructed to make sure that everyone got home safely.

Visiting on New Year's Day, 2015, was encouraged through ad campaigns that had been started a month before. "Have someone to dinner on New Year's Day. Everything will taste better." Of course people had a good time with that one, but it did result in many group visits and sharings.

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