Thursday, October 3, 2013

FatLand, refugees and fleeing

In FatLand 1, it turns out that it may not always be a good idea to emphasize that people came as refugees to FatLand, with no other alternative. Why?  Because it makes the children of the refugees feel less pride in their parents. This is unfortunate in many many ways.

The kids of the emigres (and most people in FatLand are emigres in the first generation) feel as if they somehow have to counteract their parents' "helpless" status, even though being courageous enough to flee from the Other Side was probably a heroic act in itself. So they purposely cross lines and push the envelope. They visit the Other Side in secret. They meet anti-FatLand people. They participate in blogs with fat-haters.

Don't want to put in spoilers, so I won't tell what happens next :)

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